Robertson County Health Council

Members Present:       Anne Marie Bryant, Stephanie Evans, Jennifer Dusky, Danielle Frazier, Donny King, Lauren Patterson, Asailio Timmermeier, Maria Smith, Lynn Wood

Members Absent:       Rachel Ellis, Johnny Norton, Jackie Pipes, Jackie Rawls, Jim Ring, Jennifer Sanchez, Rachel Goodman

Staff:                           Shirley Corker (Community Development Coordinator)

Guests:                        Michell Adcock (Stokes Brown Public Library), Krystin Alhstrand (Centerstone), Leah Blocker (CASA of Robertson County), Rob Burke (TN Voices), Ashley Clinard (Robertson Health Educator), Susan Cope (TCCY), Bryan Flannery (TSPN), Jacob Goings and Roderick Glover (HomeSafe), Elizabeth Graves (TNCEP), Ray Render (Congressman John Rose Office), Donna Ross (Center of Hope for Behavioral Health), Oliva Seay (A Step Ahead), Meghan Williams and Julie Adams (Stephen A. Cohen Center), Kara Zahn (City of Springfield), Brandy Harter (Mirror Lake Recovery Center)

Opening Remarks: Community Development Coordinator Shirley Corker welcomed members and guests. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 9, 2022, at 12:30 pm. The call will be virtual.

  • Roll Call was taken.
  • The notes from the December 8, 2021, meeting were reviewed since the meeting was informal.

New Business:

  • Community Development Coordinator Shirley Corker reported on a grant opportunity through the Office of Strategic Initiatives. She explained the history of the department and that it had been established to help Health Councils develop and implement Community Health Assessments across the State. It is also there to help support and provide guidance and new opportunities to Councils. She reminded Councils of the survey sent out last summer asking when Councils would be ready to engage in implementing their CHA. She reminded them most Councils reported they felt they needed to wait until Councils could begin meeting in person. Since no one really knows when that is going to be she felt Robertson was a strong enough Council to think about planning to lay a foundation for implementing their CHA. She also wanted the Council to be aware of a grant opportunity proposal available for all Councils across the State. The grant is for a $1000 and is non-competitive. The money is for assessment and planning and is meant to help address disparities in minorities and underserved populations, and to help include the voices of those with health inequities, and to promote collaboration and relationships to increase impact. The money is not to be used for Health Council lunches. The guidance provides examples of how the money can be used. Ms. Coker listed a few of the examples provided. There is a template letter to fill out to apply for the funding that asks for a brief justification letter outlining how the funds will assist the Council, and a budget proposal for the how the money will be spent. Purchases are reimbursable.
    • Ms. Corker stressed she was not suggesting the Council engage in the CHA at this time but was something she was asking them to consider. After some brief discussion the Chair stated they would like to move forward in engaging in their CHA. They asked Ms. Corker to bring more information regarding what they needed to do to get started.
  • Director Julie Adams, LSW, spoke regarding adolescent programming and training opportunities being offered thru the Centerstone Stephen A. Cohen Family Clinic. The center received a 43,000 grant for expansion of their services. Typically, they treat military individuals and their families in Montgomery and surrounding counties through evidence-based trauma treatment. Mostly they treat adults but with grant monies they are moving into child trainings and programming. They have several different programs offering small group opportunities. She described many of the programs to include a camp offered over spring break, treatment therapy designed for the smallest children, parent and child trauma therapy, and a virtual program called Hold me Tight. They are also offering a shorter version of Mental Health Frist-Aid. They are eager to get this information out so outlying communities can take advantage of these services and resources.


  • Robertson County School Social Worker Jennifer Dusky announced they had added a new intern.
  • Maria Smith announced on February 7 there would be a combined NAMI meeting at NorthCrest Medical Center. Also, a Faith Based Coalition Meeting on January 13, 2022, at 6:30 PM CST at Covenant Confirmers Church 300 10th Ave, in Springfield.
  • Rob Burke, Program Manager with System of Care Across TN (SOCAT), is a high-fidelity wraparound service that provides free, in-home support with at least weekly visits. The criteria for the program is that the child/ youth must have a mental health diagnosis (or a suspected diagnosis) and is at risk of being removed from his/ her home due to DCS involvement, open Court case, and/or potential for residential treatment as well as alternative school placement due to the child’s behaviors. Referrals can be made at or feel free to contact him directly with any questions. Contact information is: Rob Burke- Information Community Development.
  • Stephanie Evans announced a Safe Talk Training in February.
  • Susan Cope reminded everyone of Child Advocacy Days on March 8 – 9, 2022. She also announced the availability of the new Kids Count State of the Child. The link is: Kids Count State of the Child 2021: the Child 2021.pdf.
  • Ashley Clinard is the new Health Educator for Robertson County.
  • Lauren Patterson asked everyone to look at the Robertson County Community Directory online and highlight their listing to let them know it is correct. She is hoping to present the directory for approval in February. A big thank you was extended to everyone who helped.  
  • Next meeting will be held virtually on Wednesday, December 8, 2021 at 12:30pm. Meeting access information will be sent via email by Shirley and added to a calendar invite from Ace.

Adjournment: With no time remaining the meeting was adjourned by the Chair.

Categories: Meetings