Robertson County Health Council

Members Present:      

Kim Allen, Anne Marie Bryant, Rachel Ellis, Stephanie Evans, Danielle Frazier, Lauren Patterson, Jim Ring, Candace Tillman, Asailio Timmermeier, Lynn Wood

Members Absent:      

Tony Cowan, Brad Edwards, Rachel Goodman, Kelley Harris, Donny King, Crystal Lemus, Ryan Martin, Jackie Pipes, Johnny Norton, Jackie Rawls

Staff:                           Shirley Corker (Community Development Coordinator)


Susan  Cope (TCCY), Cindy Cosby (MCRO Dental), Matt Driscoll (My Father’s House), Dinah Kitchens (MCRO), Demarius Miller, Ray Render (Congressman John Rose Office), Rachel Ragsdale (UT Extension), Jennifer Sanchez (Communicable & Environmental Disease, State of TN), Maria Smith (TAADAS), Sherry Stewart, Mary Watts (RCHD), Meghan Williams (Centerstone)

Opening Remarks:

  • Welcome was extended. Next meeting date was announced as March 10, 2021 at 12:30 pm.
  • Roll call.
  • The January 13, 2021 minutes were approved with a motion from Lauren Patterson and a second from Danielle Frazier.
  • Applications for Kim Allen, RCHD Supervisor, and Lynn Wood, Caregiver Support Coordinator for Mental Health America of the Mid-South were presented for membership. Kim Allen’s application was approved with a motion from Anne Marie Bryant and Stephanie Evans. Approval for Lynn Woods application was given with a motion from Lauren Patterson and a second from Ace Timmermeier.
  • RCHD Director Rachel Ellis gave a report on the current vaccination phase stating they would be expanding to the 1b phase at the end of the month.  They are doing appointments Monday – Friday and every other Saturday from 12:00 – 3:30 pm. Covid testing is only offered from 8:30-10:30. They want to decrease testing, as there are now other resources for this, and increase vaccinations. They will be moving to the Fairgrounds at the end of the month and will have a new scheduling platform. They want people to get vaccinations in their county of residence. Older adults are using the hotline to register.
  • Kim Allen introduced RCHD Dental Physician Dr. Mary Watts. Dr. Watts is a graduate of Meharry Medical College. She listed her other educational experience and work background. The services they offer are comprehensive care for children, adult prenatal patients, or those with diabetes. They only serve other adults in emergency situations. They do educational programs, do dental sealants in the schools, and for Headstart. Dental staff are currently helping with Covid screenings and vaccinations.
  • Jim Ring, Program Director II, for the Robertson County Family YMCA, described the organization as a non-profit member of the Middle TN Association. They have a 4300 membership and have 400 workouts a day. They have had a loss in participation due to Covid since about 50% of their membership is older adults. They do the YCAP program in partnership with the Robertson County Schools. The program has been in effect since 2012. Monday – Friday they have about 20 students from 3:30 – 6:00 pm. They do the ABC program for breast cancer survivors funded by NorthCrest. The program is a 16-week program being done virtually. They do a Spirit and Mind program for older adults, do pickleball, offer overnight trips and luncheons that are on hold because of Covid. They do wellness coaching, offer home school PE classes, and learn to swim classes. They do a 12-week weight loss class and run a summer camp that lasts about 10 weeks and serves up to 82 campers. They also provide childcare services for families that do not have any other options.
  • Susan Cope, TCCY Director, provided data specific to Robertson County from the Annie Casey Kids Count statistics from 2018 published in 2020. Robertson county ranked 55 as compared to other counties in the State. One of the strongest ratings was in child wellbeing. There were no child or teen deaths reported in.2018. The 2 most significant opportunities for improvement were high housing cost and a high rate of children without insurance. The Kids Count Data Sheet for Robertson County provides lots of additional data. Susan Cope’s email is  
  • Maria Smith gave a brief Interfaith report and the rescheduling of several meetings. The Covenant Confirmer Ministry is looking for a lunch sponsor for their meeting. They can only do 12 individuals because of social distancing.
  • Daniel Frazier provide a reminder about the community commodity distribution.
  • Ace Timmermeier reminded the Council she had sent out a letter of support to Meghan Williams at the Cohen Center for a grant. She also reminded the Council she and Lauren Patterson were still working on finalizing the Strategic Plan for 2021/2022.
  • Matt Driscoll reported they were looking at doing a year-round shelter instead of a cold weather shelter. What is needed to make this happen is funding and people time. The cold weather shelter is seeing about 10-12 people a night.
  • Ace Timmermeier stated she would send out flyers regarding the event information shared at the meeting.
  • The call was closed with a reminder about the March 10 meeting.
Categories: Meetings