Robertson County Health Council

September 9, 2020

Members Present:       Anne Marie Bryant, Jennifer Dusky, Stephanie Evans, Danielle Frazier, Lauren Patterson, Ryan Martin, Asailio Timmermeier

Members Absent:       Lisa Cob, Tony Cowan, Rachel Ellis, Brad Edwards, Rachel Goodman, Kelley Harris, Kathy Finley, Donny King, Crystal Lemus, Johnny Norton, Jackie Pipes, Jackie Rawls

Staff:                           Shirley Corker (Community Development Coordinator)

Guests:                        Kim Allen ((RCHD), Ashley Clinard (Health Educator and Representative for Rachel Ellis), Cindy Crosby (MCRO Dental), Sara Evans (RCSS), Aram Khoshnaw (Family and Children Services), Ray Render (Congressman John Rose Office), Maria Smith (TAADAS), Candice Tillman (City of Springfield)

Opening Remarks:

  • Community Development Coordinator Shirley Corker opened the call with a greeting and thanked everyone for calling in. The next call is scheduled for October 14 at 12:30 pm.
  • Roll call was taken by Ms. Corker calling out the names for response and then asking all attending quests to identify themselves and their area of representation.
  • Approval of August minutes was tabled to the October 14 meeting to allow for entry of information lost when the coordinators call was dropped. Member Jennifer Dusky did note she was not present for the meeting and was listed as present,
  • Health Educator Ashley Clinard gave a health department update in the absence of Director Rachel Ellis. She reported testing is still ongoing Monday-Friday from 9-1. She introduced Kim Allen as the new office supervisor for the Robertson County Health Department. Ms. Allen has been with the Department for 11 years.  
  • The Chair introduced Aram Khoshnaw, Director of Health Care Access for Family and Children’s Services. Mr. Knoshnaw stated their agency had multiple programs that fall into the category of helping people get health care and health insurance.  One important service is through the Affordable Care Act that has been in place since 2015 that allows them to provide services across Tennessee. They use navigators to help people navigate the open enrollment insurance marketplace. They have several navigators in Nashville and Memphis and other areas across the State. The marketplace opens November 1 and closes December 15. In the past they have met with clients face to face but with COVID are doing more virtually. Clint’s return to renew plans, new people need to enroll, and others need to get access during the middle of the year. There is a toll-free number for people to call where they can be screened and set up for an appointment. They have another grant call Cover Kids in Tennessee that’s focus is to help enroll children and their parents in Tenncare, Medicaid and Cover Kids, and to help these families navigate to keep these services.  Sometimes through no fault of their own these services are lost, and the navigators can help get services back if they are eligible. They have another program called Health Assist that was already in place that is for anybody who needs health access and is not eligible for any program that is often referred to as in the gap. Their program tries to find resources in their location to meet their needs. The grant only funds 10 counties but they can still help individuals navigate the system to try to find services. Services are free and they have staff that speak many languages. They also have a language program that is a fee for services that is contracted to medical providers and others. They are currently contracted with 30 agencies to provide 26 languages. They also serve as the Hotline for the Smile On 60+ program for seniors and through Health Assist can help those who are not eligible. Another very small program they manage is Access TN where the state pays the premium, but this is a closed program where people stay until they drop off by attrition.
  • Lauren Patterson, UT Extension and SNAP/ TNCEP agent, shared information about the Health and Wellness Ambassador Program. The program was launched last week and is a pilot program in the State for Robertson and Cheatham County. It is similar to the Masters Gardner program only this is a Masters Volunteer program. Participants are trained in a variety of topics, nutrition, exercise, mental health, addiction, understanding health data and other health areas. Participants receive 4 hours of training in return for volunteering for 40 hours. The volunteers are expected to come up with a community project based on the needs of the community. The Ambassador Program is hoping to form long term relationships with these volunteers and envision that they will want to become involved with community organizations like the health council. They held their 1st session last Thursday. The session was a in person meeting practicing all social distancing guidelines. Other sessions will be Zoom meetings except for the last class in October where there will be a graduation ceremony. The last day to join the current class is tomorrow, or they will have to wait for the next class. Current meetings are each Thursday at 9:00 pm.

Ms. Patterson also reported they were ready to upload the updated Robertson County Directory. Lauren will send the GoogleDoc information to Shirley via email for distribution to the council. However, they are aware that changes will continue to be needed. Rachel Goodman will be working with Lauren to get the document on the website. Great appreciation was expressed to Lauren for working on this project.  

  • Stephanie Evans reported for the Health and Wellbeing committee. There are currently 24 teams registered for Walk Across Tennessee. UT is still offering the Move More Eat Smart program and there are several local races that are scheduled for the fall. Please feel free to send fliers or details on these races and the information will be decimated to others. Ms. Evans also made everyone aware September was Suicide Prevention month Their goal is to promote education and awareness.
  • Promotion and Awareness – No report
  • Danielle Frazier gave a report on Vulnerable Populations. Laundry Love will be providing services on Friday, September 18 and will continue to provide laundry services for the homeless and needy on the 3rd Friday of each month. Notification of food commodities through the Mid-Cumberland Community Action Agency will be sent out when available.
  •  Maria Smith provided an update on the Interfaith Coalition. She reminded everyone of a free virtual Narcan training scheduled for September 17 at 9:30 pm. Candis Batey will be doing the training. Anyone wishing to register should contact her for the link to register. September 12 At the Park is a recovery event with non-profit agencies offering information, resources and education. She reminded everyone that September was also Addiction Recovery Month.
  • Ace Timmermeier reported for My Fathers House. She met with Linda Ring last week and plans to invite her to the October meeting to give a full report. They are still trying to find a building but are not having much luck.  They will not be doing pick-ups this year unless there are special circumstances.

Ms. Timmermeier reported Prevention Coalition meeting scheduled for September 16 will have to be rescheduled. She reported the TN National Guard has secured the funding for a Stashed Away trailer that simulates a teenager’s bedroom that demonstrates how teenagers can hide away things like drugs and other narcotics in plain sight. They have not had the trailer out yet but will make sure to let everyone know when it comes to Robertson County.

  • Candice Tillman, with the City of Springfield announced city playgrounds are open and a free movie is scheduled for Friday 18 at 8:30 pm at Travis Price Park.
  • School Social Worker Jennifer Dusky talked about the supplies they were able to give out. There has not been much of a change from last month. It has been a learning curve for everyone, but it has been a pretty successful start to the school year.  
  • Ray Render reminded everyone to take the Census that will end in a few weeks. The Census translates into about a $1000 for each person in Robertson County.  
  • Ace Timmermeier reminded everyone of the Experience Robertson County tour scheduled for Saturday, September 12 from 9-4. It will be featuring many of the non-profits and other organizations in Robertson County.

The meeting was adjourned. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held virtually on October 14, 2020.

Categories: Meetings