Welcome/ Next Meeting Date/ Roll Call – Chair Ace Timmermeier
Ace Timmermeier, Lauren Patterson, Ashley Alexander, Donna Ross, Jennifer Sanchez, Kara Zahn, Krystin Baker, Trevor St. John (Care Creative Arts), Jim Ring, Nicole Bugg, Rob Burke, Stephanie Evans, Rachel Ellis, Donny King, Kelley Harris, Leah Blocker, Brandy Harter, Olivia Seay, Sabrina Fillers
Minutes approval for November 10, 2021: Lauren made a motion for approval, Stephanie provided the second.
Presenter: Ashley Alexander, Comprehensive Care Clinic, in Robertson County
- HIV clinic services all over state (primarily Montgomery, some from KY)
- rural provider for this area
- 48.2% of patient population are ages 25-44
- provide comprehensive, personalized care in clinic (just hired a RD!)
- mainly HIV+, may see some for prep if partners of positive
- see pts every 3-6 months
- Medical case management: program assistance- Ryan White services (medical assistance for uninsured, pharmacy assistance for uninsured, insurance assistance for those insured, dental services, eye care program
- Approx. 195 pts; 176 clients have some type of insurance coverage
- Separate entrance and phone number but can be reached through calling HD
- Mondays and Thursdays are clinic days
- approximate HIV positive clients in area- 356 Montgomery; 118 Robertson; 227 Sumner
New Business:
Robertson County Prevention Coalition (RCPC) – Update on Plans and Activities, Ace Timmermeier
- Applying for grant, letters of support from Mayor Vogle, Sheriff VanDyke, and Judge Joel Perry. This grant is intended to provide startup funding for Prevention Coalitions, it is not intended to provide staffing. This grant would allow the RCPC to host a National Drug and Alcohol Fact Week for middle to high school students and their families and would allow us to create our own “Stashed Away Trailer”. All of this is inline with the Health Council’s 2021-2023 Strategic Plan. Very exciting, more information will be shared as it is available.
Community Updates from Members and Guests
- Trevor St. John is with Pure Creative Arts. Hour long performance… professional performers… generate referrals… talking with Nashville children’s center, alignment Nashville, stars. Trevor@purecreativearts.org Please feel free to reach out! We’re looking to bring our new live show to the Nashville Children’s Theatre sometime in April/May. If there are schools or community organizations that would be interested in our shows please let me know! Our website is: PureCreativeArts.org
- Stephanie- free mental first aid trainings coming in 2022- will send list of trainings when confirmed with TSPN
- Kara Zahn, Springfield, Winter Wonderland at Travis Price Park
- Laundry Love happening on December 17th We are doing a linen giveaway. If anyone has any donations, we will take gently used, and cleaned towels, bedsheets, washcloths, jackets…have them email me. Stephanie asked about bringing them day of.
- Maria– NAMI training starting 2/7/21 at NorthCrest on ground floor conference room; finalizing list for support meetings (will send when finished for directory); has hope boxes from TSPN… inspiration type cards and can give out for use in waiting rooms, etc.
- Donna Ross, Center of Hope- community based, mental health organization in Springfield, a&p, telehealth and in-person, ILP program, open for referrals, accept insurance, sliding fee scale for self-pay; Donna Ross, Center of Hope for Behavioral Health. Clinic is located at 514 Willow Street, Springfield, TN. Phone: 615-756-4898, https://centerofhopebh.org/
- Krystin Baker- Centerstone in Springfield- Krystin (Baker) Ahlstrand (clinic manager)…email:krystin.ahlstrand@centerstone.org….call to get services started 877-467-3123….24/7 crisis number for Centerstone: 800-681-7444; accepting new patients
- YMCA- recruiting for After Breast Cancer and have a weight loss program starting after Christmas
- From chat (Rob Burke): System of Care Across TN (SOCAT) program is a high-fidelity wraparound service that provides free, in-home support with at least weekly visits. The criteria for the program is that the child/ youth has to have a mental health diagnosis (or a suspected diagnosis) and is at risk of being removed from his/ her home due to DCS involvement, open Court case, and/or potential for residential treatment as well as alternative school placement due to the child’s behaviors. Referrals can be made at www.socacrosstn.org or feel free to contact me directly with any questions. SOCAT Program Manager with TN Voices. rburke@tnvoices.org 931-279-4366,
Old Business
Discussion/ Plans/ Task Assignments for Resource Directory Updates – Lauren Patterson
Jennifer Sanchez and Stephanie Evans volunteered to help with review of the resource directory. Marjorie Norris, one of UT Extension’s Health Ambassadors, has also volunteered to help. Goal is to have the resource directory reviewed by month-end.
1:30 Adjournment
Contact Information Community Development Coordinator: Shirley.corker@tn.gov., 615-650-7055