Robertson County Health Council
August 14, 2019
Members Present: Anne Marie Bryant, Lisa Cobb, Tony Cowan, Kathy Finley, Rachel Goodman, Donny King, Rebecca Macfarlane, Jackie Rawls, Rachel Wright (*Non-Voting)
Members Absent: Deshnell Cobbin, Brad Edwards, Stephanie Evans, Kelley Harris, Ryan Martin, Johnny Norton, Lauren Patterson, Jackie Pipes,
Staff: Shirley Corker (Community Development Coordinator)
Guests: Katie Creighton ( Erika’s Safe Place), Kelli Fly (CCR&R and Signal Centers), Danielle Frazier (RCS Family Resource Center), Mary Fuchs (Centerstone Prevention), Milagros Gonzales, Celeste Jackson, Lorena Tello, Sanjana Stamm (RCHD), Misty Leitsch (TN Suicide Prevention Network), Kara Merriam (Centerstone Clinic Supervisor), Rachel Ragsdale (UT Extension), Ray Render (Congressman John Rose 6th District), Sally Schauman, Kathy Williams (Robertson YMCA)
Business: The meeting was called to order by Chair Rebecca Macfarlane.
- The welcome was extended and introductions were made.
- The June 12, 2019 minutes were approved as submitted with a motion from Kathy Finley and a second from Donny King.
New Business:
- Rebecca Macfarlane gave an introduction to the groups planning cycle for 2019/2020. She called the groups attention to paper and markers on the table. She asked people to split up and sit at one of the tables with a paper. She charged the group to ask one person to take notes to capture the table’s discussion. She circulated a copy of the Council’s previous strategic plan that is online at RobertsonCountyHealthCouncil. com. She called the Council’s attention to 3 slides that listed the questions the groups were to discuss.
Our Agenda: What health and well-being issues do we need to focus on for the next 2-3 years?
Public Awareness: What is the best way to reach out to our community and show them we are a resource?
Supporting Members: How can our meetings be a better resource for you and our members?
Organizing Ourselves: What “buckets” do we need to put this work into in order to accomplish our goals?
Following is some of the feedback and discussion reported:
- In crisis diversion regarding mental health issues there is not a lot of options rather than hospitalization that carries its own set of issues. Suggestions were reaching out to law-enforcement for CIT training, statewide CIT training, and suicide prevention training.
- Options for youth development and preventive programs.
- Policy on vaping and juuling and e-cigarettes. Lowering age to begin looking at children engaging in risky behaviors.
- Transportation
- Senior Citizen needs
- Increase awareness and education into Spanish community.
- Continue using the Council’s website as an avenue for disseminating information.
- Ask all members to help in actively promoting county events.
- Include Health Council logo and QPR codes.
- Have a plan to reach our targeted audiences.
- Bring agencies together to promote the use and knowledge of local resources.
- Share responsibility for media awareness.
- Use Back Pack program to get information out to most at risk youth.
- Continue to update directory every year.
- Robertson County Fair
- Radio Sports
- Allow broad conversations about needs within the community.
- Needs sent out to all members.
- Do member Spotlights.
- Community outreach events
- Meaningful meetings with strong agendas.
- Health and wellness should be looked at as one topic.
- Awareness and policy change are big pieces for all areas.
- Homelessness and poverty are issues of concern as are prevention and access to care and services.
Old Business:
- Rachel Wright reported the Back To School Bash was a huge success with 510 participants. Some people were in line at 4:45 am. The first 100 people in line were mostly Hispanic. Next year the event would like to serve water and other things due to the long lines and wait times.
- Several flyers for community events were distributed and many announcements were made regarding upcoming events.
In closing the Chair thanked participants for engaging in the needs assessment process. She stated she would consolidate the notes from the materials gathered and bring a proposed plan back for discussion at the September meeting.
- The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 pm.