Robertson County Health Council
May 8, 2019
Members Present: Anne Marie Bryant, Stephanie Evans, Shonday Hall, Kelley Harris, Donny King, Rebecca Macfarlane, Ryan Martin, Rachel Wright (*Non-Voting)
Members Absent: Lisa Cobb, Deshnell Cobbin, Tony Cowan, Brad Edwards, Kathy Finley, Rachel Goodman, Kelly Miller, Johnny Norton, Lauren Patterson, Jackie Pipes, Jackie Rawls
Staff: Shirley Corker (Community Development Coordinator)
Guests: Acting For Life (11 Students), Sara Cox (MCRO), Milagros Gonzales, Lorena (RCHD), Rachael Ragsdale (TNCEP), Maria Smith (TAADAS)
Business: The meeting was called to order by Chair Rebecca Macfarlane.
- Welcome was extended and introductions were made.
- The May 8, 2019 minutes were approved as submitted with a motion from Stephanie Evans and a second by Ryan Martin.
New Business:
- Acting For Life – Eleven students preformed the
following skits:
- Bullying
- Drinking and Driving
- Sending X-rated pictures over your phone
- Fentanyl and other drugs
- Dipping and Cigarettes
- Differences that make us special
- Cutting to relieve emotional pain
After the students completed their performance they introduced themselves, how long they had been in the AFL, their school and grade. Each student was then presented a certificate of appreciation. The students have done a total of 10 performances this past year.
- Mental Health Awareness – Centerstone Clinic Manager Stephanie Evans announced May was mental health awareness month and encouraged everyone to be mindful of mental health, to help in decreasing mental health stigma, and mindful of our language and words. She asked the question, “What can we do in the community to create mental health awareness”. She mentioned a variety of material available through Centerstone to include a comic book for prevention targeted at teens and young people.
Old Business:
- Resource Directory – The directory is online. Ms. Goodman asked everyone to review at There is a form online to submit for any corrections or additions.
Chair Rebecca Macfarlane asked the Council to give Ms. Goodman a big thank you
for all of her work on the directory. Ms. Goodman has also agreed to take over
management of the website to include announcements and events. Printed copies of
the directory will be available for members at the June meeting.
- Soda Free Summer is still looking for vendors.
- The Back to School Bash is scheduled for July 27.
- The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 pm.